Государственное учреждение социального обслуживания «Луначарский психоневрологический дом-интернат для престарелых и инвалидов»

Государственное учреждение «Луначарский социальный пансионат «Семейный уют»

PROJECT - "Reconstruction of treatment facilities"

Humanitarian project funding application

Humanitarian project: «Reconstruction of treatment facilities»

Name of the organization: State institution of social service «Lunacharsky psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled» Verkhnedvinsky district. http://lundi.by/img/picture.png

Physical and legal address of the organization, phone, fax, e-mail: The Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Verhnedvinsk r-n, d. Lunachars’ke 211601 tel. (Fax) +375 (02151)6 84 02, e-mail: lun-di@mail.ru

Information about the organization: The state institution of social service «Lunacharsky psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled» was opened in 1944 on the basis of a boarding house for orphans whose parents died at the front. In 1974, the institution was converted into a psychoneurological boarding house. The institution consists of two residential buildings, united by a medical unit, assembly hall, dining room, administrative premises, and separate buildings: boiler room, laundry, baths, garages, greenhouses.

The institution is designed for 420 seats. Lives 426 people, including: 55 disabled group 1, 349 disabled group 2, 8 old-age pensioners, 14 wheelchair users.

All activities of the institution are aimed at improving the quality of life provided by the orphanage, increasing their self-esteem, recovery of lost and acquisition of new communication links, integration into society.


Head of the organization: Olga Lyudskaya, director of the state institution of social service «Lunacharsky psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled», tel.+375(2151)6 84 02.

Project Manager: Vladimir Kozik, deputy director of the state institution of social service «Lunacharsky psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled», tel.+375(2151)6 84 02.

Previous assistance received from other foreign sources: the most significant examples of charitable activities are cooperation with: Religious mission «Charitable society Caritas» and Charitable foundation «Sofia». The cooperation was aimed at improving the quality of life of residents of the orphanage and replenishment of the material and technical base.

http://caritas.by/templates/moviestore/images/logo.png C:\Documents and Settings\Владимир\Рабочий стол\logo.png

Amount to be tested: 80000$

Co-financing: 8000$.

The term of the project: 2023 year.

Project objective:

— Improvement of the environmental situation in the region

— Reduction of operating costs

— Increase throughput

— Introduction of new technologies into the technological cycle

— Improving the quality of cleaning — enhanced security.

C:\Documents and Settings\Владимир\Рабочий стол\saneamento1-1024x688.jpg

Project objective:

— Reconstruction of treatment facilities with replacement of necessary equipment.

— Improvement of the environmental situation.

— Improving the quality of social services.

— Creation of favorable living conditions.

Detailed description of the project activities in accordance with the objectives:

— Production of project documentation.

— Equipment purchase.

— Installation of equipment and reconstruction works.

— Training of staff.

— Round table with the participation of the charity organization with summing up.

— Coverage of the project activities in the media.

Project background:

The immediate proximity of treatment facilities to the coastal zone of the river Zap.Dvina, as well as moral and technical obsolescence of equipment jeopardizes the quality of wastewater treatment. The most relevant and necessary measure to maintain the environmental situation within the norm is the reconstruction of treatment facilities.

Post-project activities:

Further activities of the institution are aimed at improving the environmental situation in the region, through the operation of equipment.

Project budget:

The project budget is designed for survey and design work, installation of equipment, training of staff.