Humanitarian project funding application
Humanitarian project: «Reconstruction of treatment facilities»

Name of the organization: State institution of social service «Lunacharsky psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled» Verkhnedvinsky district. 
Physical and legal address of the organization, phone, fax, e-mail: The Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Verhnedvinsk r-n, d. Lunachars’ke 211601 tel. (Fax) +375 (02151)6 84 02, e-mail:
Information about the organization: The state institution of social service «Lunacharsky psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled» was opened in 1944 on the basis of a boarding house for orphans whose parents died at the front. In 1974, the institution was converted into a psychoneurological boarding house. The institution consists of two residential buildings, united by a medical unit, assembly hall, dining room, administrative premises, and separate buildings: boiler room, laundry, baths, garages, greenhouses.
The institution is designed for 420 seats. Lives 426 people, including: 55 disabled group 1, 349 disabled group 2, 8 old-age pensioners, 14 wheelchair users.
All activities of the institution are aimed at improving the quality of life provided by the orphanage, increasing their self-esteem, recovery of lost and acquisition of new communication links, integration into society.