Государственное учреждение социального обслуживания «Луначарский психоневрологический дом-интернат для престарелых и инвалидов»

Государственное учреждение «Луначарский социальный пансионат «Семейный уют»

PROJECT - "From Dream to Movement"

C:\DOCUME~1\BILLGA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\FineReader10\media\image1.jpeg HUMANITARIAN PROJECT

State institution of social services «Lunacharsky neuropsychiatric boarding home for the elderly and disabled»

Project Name: “From Dream to Movement!”
Design and equipment of an outboard lifting system for a person in bed.

Name of organization: State Social Service Institution “Lunacharsky Neuropsychiatric Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled” of Verkhnedvinsky District.

Описание: http://lundi.by/img/picture.png

The physical and legal address of the organization, phone, fax, e-mail:

Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Verkhnedvinsky district, village of Lunacharskoye 211601
tel. (fax) +375 (02151) 6 84 02, e-mail: lun-di@mail.ru

Information about the organization: The State Social Service Institution “Lunacharsky Neuropsychiatric Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled” was opened in 1944 on the basis of the boarding house for orphans, whose parents died at the front. In 1974 the institution is redeveloped into a neuropsychiatric boarding house. The institution consists of two residential buildings, interconnected by a medical unit, an assembly hall, a dining room, administrative premises, and separate buildings: a boiler room, laundry, baths, garages, greenhouses.
The institution is designed for 420 seats. 426 people live, including 55 disabled people of the 1st group, 349 disabled people of the 2nd group, 8 senior citizens, 14 wheelchair users.
All activities of the institution are aimed at improving the quality of life of the provided boarding home, increasing their self-esteem, restoring the lost and acquiring new communication links, integration into society.