Государственное учреждение социального обслуживания «Луначарский психоневрологический дом-интернат для престарелых и инвалидов»

Государственное учреждение «Луначарский социальный пансионат «Семейный уют»

PROJECT - "From Dream to Movement"

C:\DOCUME~1\BILLGA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\FineReader10\media\image1.jpeg HUMANITARIAN PROJECT

State institution of social services «Lunacharsky neuropsychiatric boarding home for the elderly and disabled»

Project Name: “From Dream to Movement!”
Design and equipment of an outboard lifting system for a person in bed.

Name of organization: State Social Service Institution “Lunacharsky Neuropsychiatric Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled” of Verkhnedvinsky District.

Описание: http://lundi.by/img/picture.png

The physical and legal address of the organization, phone, fax, e-mail:

Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Verkhnedvinsky district, village of Lunacharskoye 211601
tel. (fax) +375 (02151) 6 84 02, e-mail: lun-di@mail.ru

Information about the organization: The State Social Service Institution “Lunacharsky Neuropsychiatric Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled” was opened in 1944 on the basis of the boarding house for orphans, whose parents died at the front. In 1974 the institution is redeveloped into a neuropsychiatric boarding house. The institution consists of two residential buildings, interconnected by a medical unit, an assembly hall, a dining room, administrative premises, and separate buildings: a boiler room, laundry, baths, garages, greenhouses.
The institution is designed for 420 seats. 426 people live, including 55 disabled people of the 1st group, 349 disabled people of the 2nd group, 8 senior citizens, 14 wheelchair users.
All activities of the institution are aimed at improving the quality of life of the provided boarding home, increasing their self-esteem, restoring the lost and acquiring new communication links, integration into society.

Описание: http://lundi.by/img/picture2.png

Head of the organization:

Lyudskaya Olga Georgievna, Director of the State Social Service Institution “Lunacharsky Neuropsychiatric Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled”, tel. + 375 (2151) 68401

Project Manager: Kozik Vladimir Sergeyevich, Deputy Director of the State Social Service Institution “Lunacharsky Neuropsychiatric Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled” tel. + 375 (2151) 68402

Previous assistance received from other foreign sources:
The most significant examples of charitable activities are cooperation with: Religious Mission “Charitable Society”

Caritas and the Sofia Charity Fund. The cooperation was aimed at improving the quality of life of residents of the boarding house and replenishing the material and technical base.

Amount claimed: 25000 $
Co-financing: 1500 $.
Duration of the project: 2023 год.

http://revaivl-express.ru/uploads/images/SPIN/sp-003.jpg http://revaivl-express.ru/uploads/images/SPIN/sp-010.jpg

Objective of the project:

Improving mobility and improving the quality of life of people living with disabilities who are in bed GUSO «Lunacharsky neuropsychiatric boarding home for the elderly and disabled», due to the acquisition of a suspended lifting system.

1. Improving and improving the quality of the provided rehabilitation services for people with disabilities who are in bed.

2. Preservation of self-esteem of people living with disabilities who are on bed rest.

3. Strengthening and maintaining the physical and psychological health of people living with disabilities who are in bed.

4. Increasing the safety of people living with disabilities who are in bed.

5. Reducing possible trauma to people with disabilities who are in bed.

C:\Documents and Settings\Bill Gates\Рабочий стол\DSCN1921.jpg C:\Documents and Settings\Bill Gates\Рабочий стол\DSCN1989.jpg

Target group:

Living in the 1st group of disabilities GUSO «Lunacharsky neuropsychiatric boarding home for the elderly and disabled» — 20 people.

Detailed description of the project activities:
1. Production of design documentation.
2. Acquisition of a suspended lifting system.
3. Installation of equipment in the department.
4. Conducting workshops and training seminars on the use of equipment for the personnel of the department.
5. A round table with the participation of a charitable organization and a debriefing.
6. Media coverage of the project.

http://revaivl-express.ru/uploads/images/sestr/sestr-067.jpg http://revaivl-express.ru/uploads/images/sestr/sestr-071.jpg

Project Justification:

  Every day a person encounters difficulties, overcomes them throughout his life. It is always easy to do if you are healthy or have a “solid shoulder” with you. However, there is a certain category of people who will cope with difficulties very hard. This category in our boarding house includes people with disabilities who are in bed. Every day they face many problems, and as a result of their illness, social problems are added to physical problems. To overcome these problems, we need to purchase overhead lifting systems that will help our residents overcome difficulties. Suspended lifting systems are functional and safe, take up little space in the room, with great potential. First of all, a person who finds himself in the category of «being on bed rest» feels his dependence and inferiority. When using a suspended lifting system, he will maintain a sense of self-esteem, because the resident will perform certain actions with the support of the system. It will be easier for residents to move both within the room and outside, for example, when visiting the bathroom and the bathroom. For residents, the rehabilitation potential will be qualitatively increased. If initially the system is used as a means of moving indoors, then subsequently a suspended lifting system can be used as a means of teaching residents how to stand and walk. There is a category of residents who cannot move on their own and for them the movement with the help of a suspension lifting system will be comfortable and safe. Since the suspension lifting system has a wide variety of lifting accessories, their use will increase the quality of life of residents and, as a result, the quality of the services provided in the boarding house will improve.

Activities after the end of the project:

After the installation of equipment and staff training, the department will continue to provide services for residents who are in bed.

Project budget 25000 $

Co-financing 1,500 $.

We look forward to collaborating!